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Power List of Best-Selling African-American Books – Fall 2014

Strong Sales Shown Among Hardcover Non-Fiction Titles in Fall Edition of the Power List of Best-Selling African-American Books December 8, 2014  New York, NY Contact: Troy Johnson: Gwen Richardson: Hardcover non-fiction titles released in the quarter ending September 2014 demonstrated strong sales among African-American readers, according to the compilers of the Power List of best-selling books written or read by African …
8th Dec 2014 MahoganyBooks
Add The Power List Best-selling Books to Your Website or Blog

Add The Power List Best-selling Books to Your Website or Blog

The Power List is the only national bestsellers list promoting books written or read by African Americans. You may add the Power List, best-selling books list, to your website by downloading this file text file (powerlist.txt), and simply pasting it where you want the bestsellers list to appear. The location should be at least 640 pixels wide With just a few lines of code the Power List will be automatically updated on your website when a new list is available (currently once a quarter). …
3rd Nov 2014 MahoganyBooks

The Top Cities for Readers of African American Literature

The African American Literary Book Club (AALBC) recently published an article outlining the top cities for African American readers. A variety of factors were used in their evaluation, including number of library visits per capita,number of book events for African American readers;number of African American book clubs, andnumber of African American book stores.After reading this article, not only did I come away with respect for the amount of effort AALBC put into delivering this informati …
27th Oct 2014 Derrick Young
Power List Announces Best-Selling African-American Books for Summer 2014

Power List Announces Best-Selling African-American Books for Summer 2014

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPower List Announces Best-Selling African-American Books for Summer 2014New York, NY, August 5, 2014Autobiographies and books with political themes dominated both the hardcover and paperback non-fiction portions of the Power List, the quarterly compilation of best-selling books written or read by African Americans, which was released today. The one notable exception was a health-related book, 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days by nutritionist and …
5th Aug 2014 Derrick Young

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