Out Of The Ice-the Birth of a Shaman follows three teenage Inuit girls-Puna, Sye, and Rae-as they embark on a journey from darkness to light. Three girls, who, under separate circumstances are in their darkest hour, and must rebuild their sense of self-worth. Theirs is a quest for knowledge-a knowledge so powerful that each one of them is compelled to seek. Standing in their way is the struggle that comes from within. Finding their way, with the guidance of the Elders, all three will fight through the hate, the anger, and the loneliness to find the courage to follow their destinies. And in this struggle they will unearth the land of the people long ago forgotten, and rediscover the bond that ties them to these ancient roots. Together they will reveal who they were destined to be and will open the door to an enchanted world that can never be forgotten....
Author: |
Linda S. Grant |
ISBN 10: |
1460252187 |
Pages: |
258 |
Publisher: |
FriesenPress |
Publication Date: |
November 27, 2015 |
Binding: |
Paperback |
Weight: |
0.73lbs |