In 1944, a groundbreaking operation repaired the congenital heart defect known as blue baby syndrome. The operation's success brought the surgeon Alfred Blalock international fame and paved the way for open-heart surgery. But the technique had been painstakingly developed by Vivien Thomas, Blalock's African American lab assistant, who stood behind Blalock in the operating room to give him step-by-step instructions. The stories of this medical and social breakthrough and the lives of Thomas, Blalock, and their colleague Dr. Helen Taussig are intertwined in this compelling nonfiction narrative.
Author: |
Jim Murphy |
ISBN 10: |
0358094259 |
Pages: |
144 |
Publisher: |
Clarion Books |
Publication Date: |
November 19, 2019 |
Binding: |
Paperback |
Weight: |
0.80lbs |
Age Group: |
Young Readers (9 - 13) |
Grade Range: |
5-7 |